Tons of opportunities for Neso countries in the Netherlands

Alex Chetty wanted to study in the Netherlands to add a European perspective to her professional repertoire. She was also “encouraged by a family member to apply to universities in the Netherlands. [She] applied through Study in Holland, where they provide a lot of information about studying in the Netherlands. After, [she] applied to Nyenrode because they were actually offering the Orange Tulip scholarship.” (00:57)

The Orange Tulip scholarship is a program that provides international students from Neso (Netherlands Education Support Offices) countries with opportunities to study in the Netherlands. It’s offered by various higher education institutions, government bodies, and multinational organizations, including the Nyenrode Business University.

The list of Neso countries currently includes:

  • Brazil
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Mexico
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Vietnam

Alex explains that the Orange Tulip scholarship “gives you the opportunity to cover your education…[it’s] that foot in the door to be able to further your studies, especially in the Netherlands.” (04:33) It’s not only for business students either; it applies to various degree programs

In Alex’s case, her scholarship covered half of her tuition costs. Even though she has to pay the other half as well as her expenses, she shares that “the government does provide students with a housing allowance and health insurance. So, depending on where you live and who you live with, it’s possible that half of your housing can be paid by the government [as well as your] health insurance.” (05:35)

How studying overseas broadens your mind

Alex is originally from Cape Town, South Africa, and completed her Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management at Stellenbosch University. 

Even though she enjoyed her studies and work in South Africa, she “really wanted to experience more of a European way of thinking” by studying abroad. She feels that “in South Africa [they’re] very much focused…on paper…especially when applying for jobs,” so she was hoping to gain more practical experience in the Netherlands. (02:27)

Alex is also a person who thrives when she’s out of her comfort zone, which is another reason she wanted to study overseas  She knew that she was “going to be put [in a situation where she didn’t] know anybody, in a new life” (02:57) which was the kind of challenge she was looking for.

Experience a vibrant student community at the Breukelen campus

Nyenrode Business University has two campuses: one in Amsterdam and one in Breukelen. Alex explains that the two campuses have very different atmospheres. The one you choose depends on the kind of student experience you want.

Alex says, “With Amsterdam students, you’re living separately from other students, whereas with the Breukelen campus you’re living on campus with hundreds of students. So, it depends on what kind of culture you want to live in. Do you want to be around the student associations where there’s a lot of activities happening on campus, or [do you] have a separate life from the university?” (06:19)

In Alex’s case, she loves the vibrant, close-knit student community and stunning natural setting of the Breukelen campus. “With Breukelen…you get that student life. It’s also on a beautiful estate, so it’s in nature, you even have deer, birds…it’s very beautiful,” she says. (06:49)

Whether you choose the more city-focused or student-focused experience, both Nyenrode Business University campuses have something special to offer.