RIT Saunders’ Online Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Innovation

Nestled in Rochester, New York, The Master’s in Organizational Leadership at Saunders College of Business at at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) is not your traditional master’s program.  

Besides being fully online, the program immerses students in collaborative environments to analyze and influence organizational evolution. Its curriculum blends leadership, technology, soft skills, and business sense in an easy-to-follow format. Developing applicable skills takes precedence to prepare students for the workplace. 

For why such a program is needed, Program Director and Associate Professor Malarvizhi Hirudayaraj says, “Roles, expectations, and skills are going to change by the day. That is the reality of the world that you are stepping into.” (11:36)

What Is Organizational Leadership and Why Is It Important?

Organizational leadership is a field of management that focuses on effectively navigating and managing change within organizations. 

Gone are the days of doing the same job for 30 years without learning new skills, tools, or tasks. The way the world is moving these days, any position demands continuous evolution and adaptability. Change is everywhere, and it is happening fast. 

That means that to survive and thrive, organizations need to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. And their teams must innovate together to tackle common challenges and goals. 

In a time where new technologies are popping up every minute, organizations need to implement agile leadership styles that will allow them to keep up. That’s where effective organizational leadership comes in.

What Skills Are Essential for a Good Organizational Leader?

Understanding the Implications of Technology and AI in the Workplace

A good organizational leader must be aware of today’s most powerful disruptors: Artificial Intelligence and automation. Malarvizhi says organizational leaders must be aware of the implications these technologies have on their employees. 

“What kind of changes will they have to cope with, and how do organizations prepare [employees] to manage the kind of changes that are happening in their roles and their professional identities? The skill requirements that come with all these changes? And also, how do you deal with the kind of fear, anxiety, and insecurity that may come with a lot of these technological changes?” she reflects. (02:26)

Therefore, being a good organizational leader means knowing how the technology, business strategies, and the people you work with connect. It’s about being aware of how those technological changes are continuously affecting the organization’s beat and rhythm.

Change Management Skills

Heraclitus was onto something when he said, “Change is the only constant”. That is why for any effective leader, having a knack for change management is non-negotiable. 

This requires anticipating the need for change and effectively mobilizing employees towards it.

“You have to teach them how to be strategic about leading change. Understanding the context of change, understanding who you are dealing with,” she explains. (04:55)

Most times, companies fail to drive this change because they fail to communicate the benefits or urgency of that transformation. Effective change management provides clarity for why the change is needed. That’s why top-notch communication skills are also fundamental.

Communication Skills

At the heart of organizational leadership lies a fundamental truth: it’s all about people and mastering the art of steering individuals toward shared company goals.

To achieve that, leaders must be adept communicators and establish relationships built on trust with their teams. Active listening, adapting communication styles, honing interpersonal skills, and knowing how to motivate others are all skills to master.

Navigating Conflict

In the journey of leadership, conflict is an inevitable pitstop. There will be bumps in the road, and how you navigate these conflicts is what will define you as a leader. 

“It’s not a bed of roses all the time, so you need to be able to step back and engage in conflict resolution,” Malarvizhi says. (05:42)

At RIT Saunders, they understand that conflict resolution is an integral part of leadership. This is why they teach their students how to deal with this area of leadership in their Conflict Management course.

Who Is RIT Saunders’ Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Innovation For?

The online Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Innovation at RIT Saunders is ideal for those wanting to manage innovative teams and projects. 

Malarvizhi makes it clear that this program isn’t exclusively for tech enthusiasts. 

“It is meant for anybody who wants to be a leader, who has aspirations to be a leader, or who wants to hone their leadership skills.” (06:28)

The master’s students that RIT Saunders is looking for are those who are curious about the future and innovation. People who have the drive to lead organizations through changing times and who have agility, adaptability, and resilience in their DNA.

“You need to have this curiosity. You need to be interested in innovation. You need to be interested in being a leader. So those are the fundamental expectations,” Malarvizhi says. (08:46)

Ready to elevate your leadership skills and drive innovation in your organization? Explore RIT Saunders’ Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Innovation and start your journey towards becoming a leader for tomorrow’s challenges.